
t-shirt alert 0.2

first one!


"The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls."
(- Simon and Garfunkel in The Sound of Silence, 1964)

"Die Bastardkunst der verachteten Straßen, die sonst kaum einmal unsere Neugier entzünden kann, so schattenhaft, dass irgendein Wetter, ein Anstrich ihre Spuren verwischt, sie wird ein Wertmaßstab. Ihr Gesetz ist verbindlich, es stellt all jene mühevoll eingerichteten ästhetischen Systeme aif den Kopf. Die Schönheit ist nicht das Objekt der Kreation, sie ist die Belohnung dafür. (...) Was bleibt von den zeigenössischen Werken übrig, angesichts einer solchen Konfrontation?"
(- Brassai in L'art batard des rues mal famées, 1933)

"Die Wände haben das Wort!"
(- Slogan der Studentenunruhen der 1960er)

quoted from: Johannes Stahl (2008): "Street Art", Tandem Verlag, Bonn.

stairway art event photos

here are some photos i've taken at the stairway art event. it's just a few because my camera wasn't loaded... but i want to take a few more own photos of the new stairway soon.






more shore

one more picture by stephen shore, just because it's great!

stencil 0.6

next piece. this time created by myself as my very first stencil. and just as a "remembrance. not the best technique and really simple motive, but it's something, i guess. picture off a sprayed version will follow sooooon...

stencil 0.5

found in marburg at the university, very funny!

vivious stilwerk photos

i'm going to post the photos of the art event at stilwerk hamburg, when my camera will be repaired. you can find a documentation of the event here already:

i like the milk-throwing guy with a milk-head the most! like i said my own photos will follow soon...
also one of the artists' name is "TenTen", bit similar to my name, funny!


my new t-shirt in progress. photo of the first shirt i created will follow, when my digital camera will work again. but the first one is based on this with the text "FREE YOURSELF" on it, too:

the second shirt is going to look like this eventually with the text "JUNK CITY" below the picture:


probably the stencil might look like this, but i'm not satisfied with it up to now so i'm going to work on it again: